5 Steps to Healing Past Pain

Our free guide takes you step-by-step through a powerful, simple and Biblical process that will help you heal past pain and bring sustainable freedom and courage into your life.

We take you through the exact process God led us through to get free from things like postpartum anxiety and porn.

It’s the same process that has allowed us to pursue our God-given dreams, like traveling the country 4X’s in 4 years, scaling multiple businesses, ministering freedom to others and spending most of our time TOGETHER as a family.



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Grow in confidence in God’s love

Identify the stories you believe about God that aren’t true and heal the way you relate with Him so you can experience more of His love.

Break up with shame and self-hatred

Learn how to identify and unravel the stories that you may be believing, like “I’m bad (or a failure)” and “God is disappointed with me.”

End cycles you feel stuck in

Identify unmet needs that are leading to cycles like porn addiction or codependency and receive the tools to walk out of them.

Gain tools to build thriving relationships

Learn how to show up powerfully in and build healthy relationship with yourself and others.

Reconnect with your dreams

Remove the beliefs that may be hindering you so that you can pursue your God-given dreams with confidence.